In the heart of Los Angeles, under a clear morning sky, Max Outt had taken it upon himself to challenge the public’s knowledge of bodybuilding. The giant Cutler heads, a peculiar sight to most, had appeared overnight as a reaction to what Max Outt saw as a severe lack of understanding when it came to the “sport” he held so dear.
As the morning traffic updates droned on the radio, Max Outt stood at a freeway overpass, a bullhorn in hand, ready to pose his question to the unsuspecting motorists below.
“The KYLA morning traffic team is reporting that the giant Cutler heads were apparently a reaction by a Mr. Max Outt to LA drivers’ alleged lack of knowledge relating to what he refers to as the ‘sport’ of bodybuilding,” the radio played in the background, making it clear that Max Outt’s unique protest had captured the attention of the city.
With the precision of a seasoned orator, Max Outt declared, “I want you to honk your horn if you know Jay Cutler’s placing at the 1999 IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational. Everyone should know this.”
But there was silence. Not a single horn honked. It seemed the motorists, ensconced in their cars, were not quite the bodybuilding enthusiasts Max Outt had hoped they would be.
Max Outt, undeterred and determined to make his point, had a dramatic solution in mind. With a twinkle in his eye, he proclaimed, “Release the Cutlers!” The command was given, and suddenly, a dozen 7-foot-tall bronze sculptures of the renowned bodybuilder Jay Cutler’s head rolled out from the back of a truck parked at a red light, onto the road.
The radio station picked up the story once more, offering an update on the unfolding events.
“KLYA back at you. In our most recent update, Max Outt was reported as defiantly stating, and I quote, ‘They’ll be late for work but they’ll know who Jay Cutler is.'”
The commuters below were caught in a surreal spectacle, with giant Cutler heads blocking their path and the blaring bullhorn demanding their attention.
An exasperated motorist, stuck behind one of the immobile bronze heads, rolled down his window and yelled, “Get that Cutler off the street!”
Max Outt had certainly made his point, even if it meant causing a bit of traffic chaos in the process. His quest to educate the public on the intricacies of bodybuilding was far from over, and he was more than willing to go to great lengths to ensure that his message was heard, even if it meant bringing giant bronze heads into the mix.
Video Transcript
Max Outt, Arrogant Personal Trainer, Episode 6, Giant Cutler Heads
The KYLA morning traffic team is reporting that the giant Cutler heads were apparently a reaction by a Mr. Max Outt to LA drivers alleged lack of knowledge relating to what he refers to as the “sport” of bodybuilding. In other news…
I want you to honk your horn if you know Jay Cutler’s placing at the 1999 IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational. Everyone should know this.
Crickets chirping.
Release the Cutlers!
KLYA back at you. In our most recent update Max Outt was reported as defiantly stating, and I quote, “They’ll be late for work but they’ll know who Jay Cutler is”.
Get that Cutler off the street!
Max Outt!
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